Learn how to store onions over autumn, winter and into spring. Useful in so many dishes, and until you grow your own onions, you don’t realise how old and dry supermarket onions can be.
Store onions hanging in net bags
- Dry out your freshly harvested onions in a protected place that is not too hot or cold, for instance in a shed or greenhouse. Simply lay them somewhere dry or hang them upside down through a wire grid. You want the onion necks to dry out so they don’t rot and will store for longer.
- Once they are dried out, put them in strong net bags and hang them in a shed, greenhouse or garage that is cool and dry. We have successfully used our loft and greenhouse, but by March it was too warm there so we had to peel, chop and freeze the last few as they were starting to grow.

We have successfully stored hundreds of onions using these methods. We always grow lots of onions as we hate having to buy them from the shops once we have run out!