Learn how to store beetroot so that it keeps fresh and firm for months over autumn, winter, and even into spring. This means you can continue enjoying them well after the harvesting season has ended. Beetroot is a superfood with bags of nutrition and so versatile.
Store beetroot in dry compost
After you have finished growing beetroot, you can try to eat them quickly, or you can store them for the months ahead. Some people peel, chop and freeze them raw, but we prefer to store them in dry compost as follows:
1. First grab the leaves and twist off.
2. Then scatter enough used, dry compost to cover the bottom of a container.
3. Place some beetroot on top of the compost so they are not touching and cover with some more used, dry compost.
4. Keep layering your beetroot with compost until you run out of beetroot or your container is full.
4. Cover with a lid to keep out the sunlight. Store the container outside or in a cool, dry shed or garage.
5. Take the beetroot out as you need them. Don’t worry if the beetroot leaves have grown a little.