All plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in order to thrive. Root vegetables and fruiting vegetables especially need strong roots, which is when a potassium-rich banana comes in handy. Don’t throw away your banana skins, read on to find out how easily you can use banana skins to feed your plants.
Category - Feeding plants
Cursed and vilified, the humble nettle is sadly under-appreciated. Next time you complain about a nettle sting or dig up another unwanted nettle plant in your garden, think about how you can use nettles to your advantage. Nettles are bursting with the nutrients that your other plants need. Full of iron, calcium, magnesium and nitrogen, they are particularly good as a boost for leafy vegetables and herbs, although all plants benefit from these nutrients. Find out how easily you can improve leaf growth using homemade nettle feed.
Nature always gives us a helping hand. That’s why there are some amazing plants that enrich soil without chemicals, later benefitting your homegrown vegetables and fruit. These nutrient-giving plants are known as green manure. Like manure, they improve soil condition and add nutrients. This means that anything planted in that same soil afterwards will produce bigger and healthier crops. Buckwheat, as a green manure, also attracts beneficial insects and suppresses weeds. Well, what are you waiting for… find out how easily you can incorporate green manure into your soil.