Courgette plant

How to grow courgettes and marrows

The courgette is an easy, quick-growing vegetable often seen in supermarkets, but for some reason, its close cousin, the marrow, is not as popular, despite being equally easy to grow and harvest. Unlike courgettes, marrows can be stored for months, providing nutritious and tasty meals well into winter. Ideal for beginners, find out how to grow courgettes and marrows the easy way.

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Harvested beetroot

How to grow beetroot

Many people think that beetroot can only be cooked and used cold in salads, or pickled in vinegar. However, there are so many other ways to include this colourful and healthy super-food in your diet. They are delicious roasted, boiled, pickled, or used raw grated into salads and cakes. Beetroot can be stored and kept fresh well into winter. Find out how to grow beetroot the easy way.

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