Learn how to store onions over autumn, winter and into spring. Useful in so many dishes, and until you grow your own onions, you don’t realise how old and dry supermarket onions can be.
Learn how to store beetroot so that it keeps fresh and firm for months over autumn, winter, and even into spring. This means you can continue enjoying them well after the harvesting season has ended. Beetroot is a superfood with bags of nutrition and so versatile.
Learn how to freeze and store raspberries easily so that you can continue enjoying them well after the season has ended. It’s so expensive to buy fresh raspberries, and even frozen raspberries come with a cost. Anyway, nothing beats the taste of fresh, homegrown berries.
Let’s get straight to the point – our favourite fruit to grow and eat is the delicious raspberry. Raspberry plants fall into two categories: summer-fruiting and autumn-fruiting. We have both types, but last year we discovered that you can prune autumn-fruiting plants so that they double crop (crop twice). Find out how you can get the same plant to produce raspberries in the summer and in the autumn, giving you a bumper double crop.
Make this colourful and comforting roasted carrot, sweet potato and sage risotto recipe. As it’s a one-pot dish, there is less washing up! The only fresh ingredients needed are carrots and sweet potato.
Make this roasted carrot, onion and ginger curry recipe for a filling and creamy dish, with a ginger twist. The only fresh ingredients needed are carrots and onion. You could roast the vegetables ahead of time then make the curry in a one-pot dish later.
This fresh-tasting soup can be as sweet as you like it. Such a vibrant colour, this carrot, honey and orange soup recipe makes a surprisingly filling meal. A one-pot dish, the only fresh ingredients needed are carrots, orange and onion.
Everything about carrots is wonderful: the vibrant colour, the fresh scent and the taste. They are so versatile and delicious, whether roasted, steamed, raw or added to cakes. Carrot is one of three diced vegetables that make mirepoix, which is a base used by many chefs to add flavour to soups, stews, braised meats, marinades and homemade burgers. Nutritious, sweet and crunchy, you can even put the leafy carrot tops in soups, stocks or salads. Some varieties of carrot can be stored and kept fresh well into winter. Find out how to grow carrot the easy way.
Celery can be a key component of stock, stews, casseroles and salads. Its unique, earthy and intense taste adds depth to many dishes. Celery is one of three diced vegetables that make mirepoix, which is a base used by many chefs to add flavour to soups, stews, braised meats, marinades and homemade burgers. Delicious cooked or eaten raw, celery can remain in the ground until winter. Find out how to grow celery the easy way.