Yacon plant

How to grow yacon

Yacon is a low-maintenance perennial plant that produces large, edible underground tubers. They are grown and eaten widely in South America, although they are relatively unknown on other continents. This is surprising, because they tolerate most climates and are easy to grow. You only need to buy one plant initially and from then on, you can divide new shoots into more plants. The tubers can be used like water chestnuts, but can also be boiled down to a sweet syrup. A superfood, yacon contains prebiotics which are good for gut health and digestion, plus they provide a low-calorie sweetener. Find out how to grow yacon the easy way.

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Homemade banana skin feed

Strengthen plant roots with homemade banana skin feed

All plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in order to thrive. Root vegetables and fruiting vegetables especially need strong roots, which is when a potassium-rich banana comes in handy. Don’t throw away your banana skins, read on to find out how easily you can use banana skins to feed your plants.

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Jackfruit burger

Jackfruit burger recipe

Jackfruit, once drained, flaked and cooked, has the same texture and appearance as pulled pork. This jackfruit burger recipe provides a delicious meat alternative and the burger wouldn’t look out of place at a barbecue. The added bonus is that it’s easy to cook, it can be bought tinned so stores for months in your cupboard, and is high in vitamin A and antioxidants.

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Growing plants in greenhouse

Growing in a greenhouse

There is nothing looks more splendid than a brand new 8ft by 12ft greenhouse with tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers growing inside. The problem we have found is that they are always in someone else’s garden! No seriously, we had great success for years growing in a greenhouse, and you can too. Just choose the right plants and create an environment in which they can grow healthily. Read on to find out what we did, together with the pros and cons of growing plants inside a greenhouse.

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Calendula flowers

Calendula oil

They are not just pretty orange flowers that grow and self-seed easily in most soil types, calendula flowers can help with the condition of skin and hair, and promote healing. You only need to start them from seed or buy plants once, because from then on they will self-seed and reward you with a flush of orange flowers every year. They have a long flowering season and are low maintenance. Snip off fresh flowers as often as you like and use them to make oils, creams or spices. Read on to find out how to grow and dry calendula flowers, and make calendula oil from them…

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Calendula as a saffron substitute

Saffron substitute

These delicate, orange flowers will grow and self-seed easily, meaning you can enjoy them every year. Besides having many health benefits, you can use calendula as a saffron substitute. The dried petals are also known as ‘Poor Man’s Saffron’. Get the same taste and colour of saffron, but without the cost by growing and drying calendula flowers. Read on to find out more…

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